Global - Transportation & Automobile - Events
List by Product List by Country
Elmia Nordic Rail 2027  
The leading railway exhibition in Scandinavia
Dates: TBD
Jonkoping, Sweden
GIS 2027  
11th Italian Cranes & Access and Heavy Transport Show
Dates: TBD
Piacenza, Italy
inter airport Europe 2027  
26th International Exhibition for Airport Equipment, Technology, Design and Services
Dates: TBD
Munich, Germany
24th International Maritime Exhibition and Conferences
Dates: TBD
Gdansk, Poland
IREE 2027  
17th International Railway Equipment Exhibition
Dates: TBD
New Delhi, India
RioParts 2027  
6th Automotive Repair and Parts Trade Fair
Dates: TBD
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Thessaloniki Boat & Fishing Show 2027  
Thessaloniki Boat & Fishing Show
Dates: TBD
Thessaloniki, Greece
Seoul ADEX 2027  
Seoul International Aerospace and Defense Exhibition
Dates: TBD
Seoul, South Korea
EQUIP AUTO Paris 2027  
The International Show of Equipments and Services for all Vehicles
Dates: TBD
Paris, France
Kormarine 2027  
The International Shipbuilding & Marine Equipment Exhibition
Dates: TBD
Busan, South Korea
ITS World Congress - Birmingham 2027 1205 days left 
33rd World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems - Future Transport, For Real
10/25/2027 - 10/27/2027
Birmingham, United Kingdom
HOL-EXPO 2027  
5th Polish Road-Assistance Expo HOL-EXPO
Dates: TBD
Kielce, Poland
SEMA Show 2027 1213 days left 
The premier automotive specialty products trade event
11/2/2027 - 11/5/2027
Las Vegas NV, United States
Minasparts 2027  
6th Trade Fair for the Automotive Parts and Automotive Repair Industry
Dates: TBD
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Indo Pacific 2027  
Biennial Indo Pacific International Maritime Exposition
Dates: TBD
Sydney, Australia
Europort 2027  
International Maritime Exhibition
Dates: TBD
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Dubai Airshow 2027  
Dubai Airshow
Dates: TBD
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
NAAA Ag Aviation Expo 2027 1226 days left 
National Agricultural Aviation Association Ag Aviation Expo
11/15/2027 - 11/18/2027
Oklahoma City, United States
AERO ASIA 2027  
Leading Platform for General Aviation
Dates: TBD
Zhuhai, China
Institution of Railway Signal Engineers (IRSE) International Technical Conference
Dates: TBD

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